What is EPIC
EPIC (Experiential, Project-based, Indigenous, and Community) is an inclusive program designed to engage students in a variety of challenging learning experiences. The program emphasizes project-based, experiential learning for all students who will come to understand the First Nations Principles of Learning. EPIC takes place in a variety of venues including the backcountry, community venues and the school. Learning occurs through group discussion, group and individual projects, outdoor pursuits, skill development sessions and peer teaching. Next year we are looking to change EPIC a bit and change it so it will be two classes instead of fours. Hands on learning will focus on the following courses: Physical and Health Education 9, ADST Woodwork 9/ADST Metalwork 9, delivered in a cross-curricular model. Upon completion of the EPIC program, students will receive credits for the above-mentioned course along with an invaluable learning experience in high school.
In this program students will have a flexible schedule, as they are with the same teacher and same group of students all day every day in their second semester. This allows the class to have more freedom in what we do. One of the goals of the program is to have the learning be experiential, where a lot of the learning is hands on and students can learn by doing and fully immerse themselves into the content they're learning. Below are some pictures showcases projects we have made in the past.
Having Wood shop, as one of the course offered in the program we have a unique opportunity to make a lot of projects that tie in nicely to what we are learning. Projects that students make are very practical and in most cases can be used out in the field on our adventures or in the classroom.
In EPIC the First Peoples Principles of Learning are woven in to how the program is taught. With the incorporation of English 9 Aboriginal content can be more easily infused into the program. Students get to see content made by Aboriginal film makers and writers. We get to look at issues relating to Aboriginal People across Canada, around the world, and even in our own local community. Guest speakers and elders are sometimes invited in to speak with students to share their knowledge, wisdom and experiences. Students get to learn off the land and see how the land they live on was used by local First Nations. Students get to learn about the Okanagan/Syilx people and their culture, history, traditions, and way of life. Students get to learn about the local food sources that the Okanagan people lived off of, and learn about their Four Food Chiefs (Bear, Salmon, Bitter root, Saskatoon Berry) and why they're important to them.
EPIC class of 2019 trying out their newly made drums and singing the Okanagan Song
EPIC is a unique program where students get to stay with the same teacher and classmates everyday for an entire semester. This allows students to special build bonds and relationships with one another that they might not normally be able to do in their other classes. With our many field trips and outdoor adventures students become quite close with each other and form life long friendships. This allows us to create an EPIC community where students know they have a place where they belong and feel welcome. We also get involved with our local community and sometimes partner up with our local elementary schools for projects or activities.
Deeper Learning at SD 53
In May 2018 we had the opportunity to have some videographers come in to take videos highlighting some of the amazing cross-curricular work we do in our district. EPIC is highlighted in the video and it shows some of the things we do in the program and how it has impacted our students.
Quotes from past EPIC Students
"I have learned that is just so much easier when you have the entire outdoors as your playground and you are able to get dirty and do hands on and be able to experience and if you mess up it’s fine. I have learned that I am more capable than what I thought I was. It allows me to expand my knowledge and expand my confidence where I know I can do more and I just appreciate it for what I have. I am just trying to learn more about my everyday life and what I can do for myself." (Ethan Polkinghorne)
“You learn differently than you do in other classes and we get to go out and explore.” (Oscar Villa)
“I have never been snowshoeing but it was sick to go with ones I made myself.” (Shayla Griffith)
“I like about how we have freedom and how the bells don’t really matter to us and how we have everything mixed together.” (Taylor MacRae)
“A lot of the friendships that were based in EPIC were based on that camping trip, like everybody grew stronger together.” (Ethan Poole)
“You learn differently than you do in other classes and we get to go out and explore.” (Oscar Villa)
“I have never been snowshoeing but it was sick to go with ones I made myself.” (Shayla Griffith)
“I like about how we have freedom and how the bells don’t really matter to us and how we have everything mixed together.” (Taylor MacRae)
“A lot of the friendships that were based in EPIC were based on that camping trip, like everybody grew stronger together.” (Ethan Poole)